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< Radiologic Report >

Abdomen CT (2018.04.06 outside film) :

RCC. Rt.

- size of 8.7cm in axial view 10cm in coronal view

- Probable fascial invasion

- No evidence of renal vein or IVC invasion

- No evidence of distant metastasis in the abdomen

- No significant in urinary bladder

2. Hematoma in urinary bladder

< Pathologic Report >

Kidney, right, radical nephrectomy (2018.05.01) :

Clear cell renal cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid feature

with 1) Tumor location : lower pole

2) Tumor size : 7.5×7cm

3) WHO / ISUP grade : 4

4) Sarcomatoid feature : Presnt

- Specify percentage of sarcomatoid element : 90%

5) Rhabdoid feature : Presnt

- Specify percentage of sarcomatoid element : 10%

6) Tumor necrosis : Present

- Specify percentage of necrosis : 5%

7) Tumor extent :

- Invades renal sinus fat and pelvicalyceal system

8) Lymph-vascular invasion :

- Macroscopic renal vein invasion (tumor thrombus) : Not identified

- Microscopic venous (Small vein) invasion : Not identified

- Lymphatic invasion : Not identified

9) Surgical margins :

- Perirenal soft tissue : Uninvovled

- Ureter margin : Uninvovled

Lymph nodes, biopsy : No metastasis in 1 lymph nodes : Total (0/1)

WBBS 판독결과

: Whole body bone image에서 bilateral LS junctions에 increased uptake 관찰되어, abdo-men CT (2019.02.20.)에서 보이는 L5~S1의 degenerative change에 match 되어 보임. 그 외 전신에 bone metastasis를 의심할만한 abnormal increased uptake 뚜렷하지 않음


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    의학용어만 써서 알려드립니다. 구글 번역도 참고하시기를 바랍니다.

    Radiologic = 영상의학

    Abdomen = 복부

    RCC = 신장암

    fascial invation = 근막 침범

    renal vein = 신장 정맥 IVC = 하대정맥

    metastasis = 전이

    urinary bladder = 방광

    hematoma = 혈종

    pathologic = 병리

    radical nephrectomy = 근치적 신장절제술

    clear cell renal cell carcinoma = 투명 세포 신장암

    tumor = 종양

    sarcomatoid = 육종

    rhabdoid = 횔문근

    necrosis = 괴사

    renal sinus fat = 신동 지방 (신장 중앙부 지방)

    pelvicalyceal system = 신배신우 시스템

    lymphatic invasion = 림프 침범

    surgical margin = 수술 절제면

    perirenal soft tissue = 신장주변부 연조직

    ureter margin = 요관 절제면 (에 침범했는지)

    biopsy = 생검

    LS junction = 요천관절