
파이썬 코드 idle python 에서 오류?

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http://solarisailab.com/archives/486 의 코드를 사용하였습니다



TensorFlow translation of the torch example found here (written by SeanNaren).


Original keras example found here (written by Eder Santana).


The agent plays a game of catch. Fruits drop from the sky and the agent can choose the actions

left/stay/right to catch the fruit before it reaches the ground.


import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf


import numpy as np

import random

import math

import os

# Parameters

epsilon = 1 # The probability of choosing a random action (in training). This decays as iterations increase. (0 to 1)

epsilonMinimumValue = 0.001 # The minimum value we want epsilon to reach in training. (0 to 1)

nbActions = 3 # The number of actions. Since we only have left/stay/right that means 3 actions.

epoch = 1001 # The number of games we want the system to run for.

hiddenSize = 100 # Number of neurons in the hidden layers.

maxMemory = 500 # How large should the memory be (where it stores its past experiences).

batchSize = 50 # The mini-batch size for training. Samples are randomly taken from memory till mini-batch size.

gridSize = 10 # The size of the grid that the agent is going to play the game on.

nbStates = gridSize * gridSize # We eventually flatten to a 1d tensor to feed the network.

discount = 0.9 # The discount is used to force the network to choose states that lead to the reward quicker (0 to 1)

learningRate = 0.2 # Learning Rate for Stochastic Gradient Descent (our optimizer).

# Create the base model.

X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, nbStates])

W1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([nbStates, hiddenSize], stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(nbStates))))

b1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hiddenSize], stddev=0.01))

input_layer = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(X, W1) + b1)

W2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hiddenSize, hiddenSize],stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(hiddenSize))))

b2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hiddenSize], stddev=0.01))

hiddenlayer = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(inputlayer, W2) + b2)

W3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hiddenSize, nbActions],stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(hiddenSize))))

b3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([nbActions], stddev=0.01))

outputlayer = tf.matmul(hiddenlayer, W3) + b3

# True labels

Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, nbActions])

# Mean squared error cost function

cost = tf.reducesum(tf.square(Y-outputlayer)) / (2*batchSize)

# Stochastic Gradient Decent Optimizer

optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learningRate).minimize(cost)

# Helper function: Chooses a random value between the two boundaries.

def randf(s, e):

return (float(random.randrange(0, (e - s) * 9999)) / 10000) + s;

# The environment: Handles interactions and contains the state of the environment

class CatchEnvironment():

def init(self, gridSize):

self.gridSize = gridSize

self.nbStates = self.gridSize * self.gridSize

self.state = np.empty(3, dtype = np.uint8)

# Returns the state of the environment.

def observe(self):

canvas = self.drawState()

canvas = np.reshape(canvas, (-1,self.nbStates))

return canvas

def drawState(self):

canvas = np.zeros((self.gridSize, self.gridSize))

canvas[self.state[0]-1, self.state[1]-1] = 1 # Draw the fruit.

# Draw the basket. The basket takes the adjacent two places to the position of basket.

canvas[self.gridSize-1, self.state[2] -1 - 1] = 1

canvas[self.gridSize-1, self.state[2] -1] = 1

canvas[self.gridSize-1, self.state[2] -1 + 1] = 1

return canvas

# Resets the environment. Randomly initialise the fruit position (always at the top to begin with) and bucket.

def reset(self):

initialFruitColumn = random.randrange(1, self.gridSize + 1)

initialBucketPosition = random.randrange(2, self.gridSize + 1 - 1)

self.state = np.array([1, initialFruitColumn, initialBucketPosition])

return self.getState()

def getState(self):

stateInfo = self.state

fruit_row = stateInfo[0]

fruit_col = stateInfo[1]

basket = stateInfo[2]

return fruitrow, fruitcol, basket

# Returns the award that the agent has gained for being in the current environment state.

def getReward(self):

fruitRow, fruitColumn, basket = self.getState()

if (fruitRow == self.gridSize - 1): # If the fruit has reached the bottom.

if (abs(fruitColumn - basket) <= 1): # Check if the basket caught the fruit.

return 1


return -1


return 0

def isGameOver(self):

if (self.state[0] == self.gridSize - 1):

return True


return False

def updateState(self, action):

if (action == 1):

action = -1

elif (action == 2):

action = 0


action = 1

fruitRow, fruitColumn, basket = self.getState()

newBasket = min(max(2, basket + action), self.gridSize - 1) # The min/max prevents the basket from moving out of the grid.

fruitRow = fruitRow + 1 # The fruit is falling by 1 every action.

self.state = np.array([fruitRow, fruitColumn, newBasket])

#Action can be 1 (move left) or 2 (move right)

def act(self, action):


reward = self.getReward()

gameOver = self.isGameOver()

return self.observe(), reward, gameOver, self.getState() # For purpose of the visual, I also return the state.

# The memory: Handles the internal memory that we add experiences that occur based on agent's actions,

# and creates batches of experiences based on the mini-batch size for training.

class ReplayMemory:

def init(self, gridSize, maxMemory, discount):

self.maxMemory = maxMemory

self.gridSize = gridSize

self.nbStates = self.gridSize * self.gridSize

self.discount = discount

canvas = np.zeros((self.gridSize, self.gridSize))

canvas = np.reshape(canvas, (-1,self.nbStates))

self.inputState = np.empty((self.maxMemory, 100), dtype = np.float32)

self.actions = np.zeros(self.maxMemory, dtype = np.uint8)

self.nextState = np.empty((self.maxMemory, 100), dtype = np.float32)

self.gameOver = np.empty(self.maxMemory, dtype = np.bool)

self.rewards = np.empty(self.maxMemory, dtype = np.int8)

self.count = 0

self.current = 0

# Appends the experience to the memory.

def remember(self, currentState, action, reward, nextState, gameOver):

self.actions[self.current] = action

self.rewards[self.current] = reward

self.inputState[self.current, ...] = currentState

self.nextState[self.current, ...] = nextState

self.gameOver[self.current] = gameOver

self.count = max(self.count, self.current + 1)

self.current = (self.current + 1) % self.maxMemory

def getBatch(self, model, batchSize, nbActions, nbStates, sess, X):

# We check to see if we have enough memory inputs to make an entire batch, if not we create the biggest

# batch we can (at the beginning of training we will not have enough experience to fill a batch).

memoryLength = self.count

chosenBatchSize = min(batchSize, memoryLength)

inputs = np.zeros((chosenBatchSize, nbStates))

targets = np.zeros((chosenBatchSize, nbActions))

# Fill the inputs and targets up.

for i in xrange(chosenBatchSize):

if memoryLength == 1:

memoryLength = 2

# Choose a random memory experience to add to the batch.

randomIndex = random.randrange(1, memoryLength)

current_inputState = np.reshape(self.inputState[randomIndex], (1, 100))

target = sess.run(model, feeddict={X: currentinputState})

current_nextState = np.reshape(self.nextState[randomIndex], (1, 100))

currentoutputs = sess.run(model, feeddict={X: current_nextState})

# Gives us Q_sa, the max q for the next state.

nextStateMaxQ = np.amax(current_outputs)

if (self.gameOver[randomIndex] == True):

target[0, [self.actions[randomIndex]-1]] = self.rewards[randomIndex]


# reward + discount(gamma) * max_a' Q(s',a')

# We are setting the Q-value for the action to r + gamma*max a' Q(s', a'). The rest stay the same

# to give an error of 0 for those outputs.

target[0, [self.actions[randomIndex]-1]] = self.rewards[randomIndex] + self.discount * nextStateMaxQ

# Update the inputs and targets.

inputs[i] = current_inputState

targets[i] = target

return inputs, targets

def main(_):

print("Training new model")

# Define Environment

env = CatchEnvironment(gridSize)

# Define Replay Memory

memory = ReplayMemory(gridSize, maxMemory, discount)

# Add ops to save and restore all the variables.

saver = tf.train.Saver()

winCount = 0

with tf.Session() as sess:


for i in xrange(epoch):

# Initialize the environment.

err = 0


isGameOver = False

# The initial state of the environment.

currentState = env.observe()

while (isGameOver != True):

action = -9999 # action initilization

# Decides if we should choose a random action, or an action from the policy network.

global epsilon

if (randf(0, 1) <= epsilon):

action = random.randrange(1, nbActions+1)


# Forward the current state through the network.

q = sess.run(outputlayer, feeddict={X: currentState})

# Find the max index (the chosen action).

index = q.argmax()

action = index + 1

# Decay the epsilon by multiplying by 0.999, not allowing it to go below a certain threshold.

if (epsilon > epsilonMinimumValue):

epsilon = epsilon * 0.999

nextState, reward, gameOver, stateInfo = env.act(action)

if (reward == 1):

winCount = winCount + 1

memory.remember(currentState, action, reward, nextState, gameOver)

# Update the current state and if the game is over.

currentState = nextState

isGameOver = gameOver

# We get a batch of training data to train the model.

inputs, targets = memory.getBatch(output_layer, batchSize, nbActions, nbStates, sess, X)

# Train the network which returns the error.

, loss = sess.run([optimizer, cost], feeddict={X: inputs, Y: targets})

err = err + loss

print("Epoch " + str(i) + ": err = " + str(err) + ": Win count = " + str(winCount) + " Win ratio = " + str(float(winCount)/float(i+1)*100))

# Save the variables to disk.

save_path = saver.save(sess, os.getcwd()+"/model.ckpt")

print("Model saved in file: %s" % save_path)

if name == 'main':



TensorFlow translation of the torch example found here (written by SeanNaren).


Original keras example found here (written by Eder Santana).


The agent plays a game of catch. Fruits drop from the sky and the agent can choose the actions

left/stay/right to catch the fruit before it reaches the ground.


import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf


import numpy as np

import random

import math

import os

# Parameters

epsilon = 1 # The probability of choosing a random action (in training). This decays as iterations increase. (0 to 1)

epsilonMinimumValue = 0.001 # The minimum value we want epsilon to reach in training. (0 to 1)

nbActions = 3 # The number of actions. Since we only have left/stay/right that means 3 actions.

epoch = 1001 # The number of games we want the system to run for.

hiddenSize = 100 # Number of neurons in the hidden layers.

maxMemory = 500 # How large should the memory be (where it stores its past experiences).

batchSize = 50 # The mini-batch size for training. Samples are randomly taken from memory till mini-batch size.

gridSize = 10 # The size of the grid that the agent is going to play the game on.

nbStates = gridSize * gridSize # We eventually flatten to a 1d tensor to feed the network.

discount = 0.9 # The discount is used to force the network to choose states that lead to the reward quicker (0 to 1)

learningRate = 0.2 # Learning Rate for Stochastic Gradient Descent (our optimizer).

# Create the base model.

X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, nbStates])

W1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([nbStates, hiddenSize], stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(nbStates))))

b1 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hiddenSize], stddev=0.01))

input_layer = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(X, W1) + b1)

W2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hiddenSize, hiddenSize],stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(hiddenSize))))

b2 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hiddenSize], stddev=0.01))

hiddenlayer = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(inputlayer, W2) + b2)

W3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([hiddenSize, nbActions],stddev=1.0 / math.sqrt(float(hiddenSize))))

b3 = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([nbActions], stddev=0.01))

outputlayer = tf.matmul(hiddenlayer, W3) + b3

# True labels

Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, nbActions])

# Mean squared error cost function

cost = tf.reducesum(tf.square(Y-outputlayer)) / (2*batchSize)

# Stochastic Gradient Decent Optimizer

optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learningRate).minimize(cost)

# Helper function: Chooses a random value between the two boundaries.

def randf(s, e):

return (float(random.randrange(0, (e - s) * 9999)) / 10000) + s;

# The environment: Handles interactions and contains the state of the environment

class CatchEnvironment():

def init(self, gridSize):

self.gridSize = gridSize

self.nbStates = self.gridSize * self.gridSize

self.state = np.empty(3, dtype = np.uint8)

# Returns the state of the environment.

def observe(self):

canvas = self.drawState()

canvas = np.reshape(canvas, (-1,self.nbStates))

return canvas

def drawState(self):

canvas = np.zeros((self.gridSize, self.gridSize))

canvas[self.state[0]-1, self.state[1]-1] = 1 # Draw the fruit.

# Draw the basket. The basket takes the adjacent two places to the position of basket.

canvas[self.gridSize-1, self.state[2] -1 - 1] = 1

canvas[self.gridSize-1, self.state[2] -1] = 1

canvas[self.gridSize-1, self.state[2] -1 + 1] = 1

return canvas

# Resets the environment. Randomly initialise the fruit position (always at the top to begin with) and bucket.

def reset(self):

initialFruitColumn = random.randrange(1, self.gridSize + 1)

initialBucketPosition = random.randrange(2, self.gridSize + 1 - 1)

self.state = np.array([1, initialFruitColumn, initialBucketPosition])

return self.getState()

def getState(self):

stateInfo = self.state

fruit_row = stateInfo[0]

fruit_col = stateInfo[1]

basket = stateInfo[2]

return fruitrow, fruitcol, basket

# Returns the award that the agent has gained for being in the current environment state.

def getReward(self):

fruitRow, fruitColumn, basket = self.getState()

if (fruitRow == self.gridSize - 1): # If the fruit has reached the bottom.

if (abs(fruitColumn - basket) <= 1): # Check if the basket caught the fruit.

return 1


return -1


return 0

def isGameOver(self):

if (self.state[0] == self.gridSize - 1):

return True


return False

def updateState(self, action):

if (action == 1):

action = -1

elif (action == 2):

action = 0


action = 1

fruitRow, fruitColumn, basket = self.getState()

newBasket = min(max(2, basket + action), self.gridSize - 1) # The min/max prevents the basket from moving out of the grid.

fruitRow = fruitRow + 1 # The fruit is falling by 1 every action.

self.state = np.array([fruitRow, fruitColumn, newBasket])

#Action can be 1 (move left) or 2 (move right)

def act(self, action):


reward = self.getReward()

gameOver = self.isGameOver()

return self.observe(), reward, gameOver, self.getState() # For purpose of the visual, I also return the state.

# The memory: Handles the internal memory that we add experiences that occur based on agent's actions,

# and creates batches of experiences based on the mini-batch size for training.

class ReplayMemory:

def init(self, gridSize, maxMemory, discount):

self.maxMemory = maxMemory

self.gridSize = gridSize

self.nbStates = self.gridSize * self.gridSize

self.discount = discount

canvas = np.zeros((self.gridSize, self.gridSize))

canvas = np.reshape(canvas, (-1,self.nbStates))

self.inputState = np.empty((self.maxMemory, 100), dtype = np.float32)

self.actions = np.zeros(self.maxMemory, dtype = np.uint8)

self.nextState = np.empty((self.maxMemory, 100), dtype = np.float32)

self.gameOver = np.empty(self.maxMemory, dtype = np.bool)

self.rewards = np.empty(self.maxMemory, dtype = np.int8)

self.count = 0

self.current = 0

# Appends the experience to the memory.

def remember(self, currentState, action, reward, nextState, gameOver):

self.actions[self.current] = action

self.rewards[self.current] = reward

self.inputState[self.current, ...] = currentState

self.nextState[self.current, ...] = nextState

self.gameOver[self.current] = gameOver

self.count = max(self.count, self.current + 1)

self.current = (self.current + 1) % self.maxMemory

def getBatch(self, model, batchSize, nbActions, nbStates, sess, X):

# We check to see if we have enough memory inputs to make an entire batch, if not we create the biggest

# batch we can (at the beginning of training we will not have enough experience to fill a batch).

memoryLength = self.count

chosenBatchSize = min(batchSize, memoryLength)

inputs = np.zeros((chosenBatchSize, nbStates))

targets = np.zeros((chosenBatchSize, nbActions))

# Fill the inputs and targets up.

for i in xrange(chosenBatchSize):

if memoryLength == 1:

memoryLength = 2

# Choose a random memory experience to add to the batch.

randomIndex = random.randrange(1, memoryLength)

current_inputState = np.reshape(self.inputState[randomIndex], (1, 100))

target = sess.run(model, feeddict={X: currentinputState})

current_nextState = np.reshape(self.nextState[randomIndex], (1, 100))

currentoutputs = sess.run(model, feeddict={X: current_nextState})

# Gives us Q_sa, the max q for the next state.

nextStateMaxQ = np.amax(current_outputs)

if (self.gameOver[randomIndex] == True):

target[0, [self.actions[randomIndex]-1]] = self.rewards[randomIndex]


# reward + discount(gamma) * max_a' Q(s',a')

# We are setting the Q-value for the action to r + gamma*max a' Q(s', a'). The rest stay the same

# to give an error of 0 for those outputs.

target[0, [self.actions[randomIndex]-1]] = self.rewards[randomIndex] + self.discount * nextStateMaxQ

# Update the inputs and targets.

inputs[i] = current_inputState

targets[i] = target

return inputs, targets

def main(_):

print("Training new model")

# Define Environment

env = CatchEnvironment(gridSize)

# Define Replay Memory

memory = ReplayMemory(gridSize, maxMemory, discount)

# Add ops to save and restore all the variables.

saver = tf.train.Saver()

winCount = 0

with tf.Session() as sess:


for i in xrange(epoch):

# Initialize the environment.

err = 0


isGameOver = False

# The initial state of the environment.

currentState = env.observe()

while (isGameOver != True):

action = -9999 # action initilization

# Decides if we should choose a random action, or an action from the policy network.

global epsilon

if (randf(0, 1) <= epsilon):

action = random.randrange(1, nbActions+1)


# Forward the current state through the network.

q = sess.run(outputlayer, feeddict={X: currentState})

# Find the max index (the chosen action).

index = q.argmax()

action = index + 1

# Decay the epsilon by multiplying by 0.999, not allowing it to go below a certain threshold.

if (epsilon > epsilonMinimumValue):

epsilon = epsilon * 0.999

nextState, reward, gameOver, stateInfo = env.act(action)

if (reward == 1):

winCount = winCount + 1

memory.remember(currentState, action, reward, nextState, gameOver)

# Update the current state and if the game is over.

currentState = nextState

isGameOver = gameOver

# We get a batch of training data to train the model.

inputs, targets = memory.getBatch(output_layer, batchSize, nbActions, nbStates, sess, X)

# Train the network which returns the error이.

, loss = sess.run([optimizer, cost], feeddict={X: inputs, Y: targets})

err = err + loss

print("Epoch " + str(i) + ": err = " + str(err) + ": Win count = " + str(winCount) + " Win ratio = " + str(float(winCount)/float(i+1)*100))

# Save the variables to disk.

save_path = saver.save(sess, os.getcwd()+"/model.ckpt")

print("Model saved in file: %s" % save_path)

if name == 'main':

tf.app.run() 입니다

그런데 이런 오류가 생겼습니다

WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\tens2\lib\site-packages\tensorflowcore\python\compat\v2compat.py:65: disableresourcevariables (from tensorflow.python.ops.variablescope) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.

Instructions for updating:

non-resource variables are not supported in the long term

Training new model

WARNING:tensorflow:From C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\tens2\lib\site-packages\tensorflowcore\python\util\tfshoulduse.py:198: initializeallvariables (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed after 2017-03-02.

Instructions for updating:

Use tf.globalvariablesinitializer instead.

W0820 22:17:13.656675 9068 deprecation.py:323] From C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\tens2\lib\site-packages\tensorflowcore\python\util\tfshoulduse.py:198: initializeallvariables (from tensorflow.python.ops.variables) is deprecated and will be removed after 2017-03-02.

Instructions for updating:

Use tf.globalvariablesinitializer instead.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Windows\system32\python", line 267, in <module>


File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\tens2\lib\site-packages\tensorflowcore\python\platform\app.py", line 40, in run

run(main=main, argv=argv, flagsparser=parseflagstolerateundef)

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\tens_2\lib\site-packages\absl\app.py", line 299, in run

runmain(main, args)

File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\tens2\lib\site-packages\absl\app.py", line 250, in run_main


File "C:\Windows\system32\python", line 216, in main

for i in xrange(epoch):

NameError: name 'xrange' is not defined

어떻게 해결해야 할까요?

매우 길지만 해결해 주시면 감사하겠습니다 ㅠㅠ

55글자 더 채워주세요.
2개의 답변이 있어요!
  • 소탈한라마28


    NameError: name 'xrange' is not defined

    위 에러는 xrange 함수가 정의되지 않았을 때 발생하는 에러 입니다.

    xrange는 python 2.x 에서 사용하는 함수이며, python 3.x 에서 사라진 함수입니다.

    python 3.x 에서는 range 함수가 python 2.x의 xrange와 동일하게 동작하므로,

    for i in range(epoch): 와 같이 수정하시어 사용하시거나,

    python 2.x 대의 conda 환경을 새로 만드셔서 사용하시는 것을 추천드립니다.


  • 안녕하세요.

    링크를 보니 예전의 글로 아마도 python2 base인거 같습니다.

    아래와 같은 내용을 추가 하시거나

    from past.builtins import xrange

    아니면 python2를 설치하셔서 실행해 보시기 바랍니다.

    python2의 xrange가 python3에서는 range로 바뀌었고 그 return type도 변경이 되었습니다.