안녕하세요 최근에 해외거래소 하나를 알게되어서 가입했습니다. 거기서 나온 수익을 출금하려고했는데 출금신청을 하면 "In accordance with our Policy and Rules, all users are required to verify their external address. This requirement is outlined in the User Agreement, section, which you accepted upon registration. This verification process is implemented to prevent cryptocurrency laundering and aligns with the AML verification of your wallet address. The verification system operates automatically, and for a deposit to serve as verification, the amount must be equivalent to 0.01 BTC / 0.15 ETH / 500 USDT. Upon depositing this specified amount in a single transaction, the system will promptly confirm your external address. If you have any further inquiries, please reach out to a support agent." 이런 메세지가 나오는데 혹시 사기 거래소 인지 궁금해서 질문드립니다