영어 문장을 만들어야되는데 도와주실수 있을까요?
제가 영어를 잘 못해서 그런데 영어문장 쓰는것좀 도와주세요ㅠㅠ 제가 to부정사 의미상주어를 이 글에 넣고싶은데 어떻게 넣어야 될지 모르겠어요
문장중에서 변형시켜도 되고 아무렇게나 해서 to부정 사 의미상주어 문장 2개만 만들어주세요ㅠㅠㅠ..
I think my friend Yejin is the orange leader because she leads the class sincerely. When the teacher gave a assignment last Thursday
I noticed it. It's time to collect and submit the assignments submitted by the teacher at once. I came to have respect for her.She also handles what needs to be done by herself within a set period of time. I think she's a great leader
안녕하세요. 손용준 인문·예술전문가입니다.
I think my friend Yejin is a true leader because she leads the class sincerely. When my teacher gave us an assignment last Thursday I noticed that she really is. It was easy for her to do the assignment and she told me that it would not be difficult for us to do on time. I came to respect her. She also handles what needs to be done by herself within a set period of time. I think she's a great leader.
의미상의 주어는 보통 to 부정사 앞에 for +목적격으로 표시 합니다. 의미상의 주어는 볼드체로 표시 했어요. 참고 바랍니다.