뇌 MRI / MRA 판독 결과 쉽게 좀 설명해주실 수 있을까요? 핵심 내용 중심으로요..위험한 상태인지...꼭 부탁 드립니다...
Imaging technique:sagittal T1WI, axial T1WI, T2WI, T2 FLAIR, T2*WI, contrast enhanced 3D T1WI with axial/coronal/sag ittal reconstruction, intracranial TOF MRA, contrast enhanced intracranialand neck MRA, DWI.
Contrast media : Used
No evidence of acute infarction on DWI.
Nonspecific T2 hyperintensities in bilateral white matters.
Otherwise no significant ischemic lesion, hydrocephalus, or atrophic change is
noted in cerebral hemisphere, cerebellum , brainstem , ventricle and extra-axial space.
R/O Mild stenosis or MR artifact, Lt distal M1
About 2.6mm sized Rt paraclinoid ICA aneurysm
R/O Mild stenosis or MR artifact, Lt distal M1
About 2.6mm sized Rt paraclinoid ICA aneurysm